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using svndumpfilter/load from other than the top level

From: A NonAMouse <non.a.mouse_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2005-12-10 01:10:49 CET

Hello all;

I am trying to break apart a repository. It currently looks like this:


I would like to break the repository apart so that thingA and thingB get
moved into their own repositories, so ultimately it looks like this:




I have done the following:

svnadmin dump c:\projectFoo > foo.dump

This generates a good dump that can be loaded into a new repository with no

Then I have been using:

type foo.dump | svndumpfilter include trunk/thingA > thingA.dump

I tried several different paths (projectfoo/trunk/thingA, /trunk/thingA,
etc), that seemed to create dataless dumpfiles. This, however, seems to
create a dumpfile with data of the approx. right size. But when I and then
try to do...

svnadmin create thingA
svnadmin load thingA < thingA.dump

I get a message:

<<< starting new transaction, based on original revision 1
  * adding path trunk/thingA ...svn:file not found: transaction '1', path

...oddly enough, if I put the same command in again, the revision number
increases to 2, 3, 4, etc..then switches to a, b, c,...etc.

I have read and reread chapter 5 of the redbook, and I suspect the problem
has to do with the path in the original repository (their example uses items
at the top level). I have also tried to edit the dumpfile (to possibly
delete the top level nodefiles), but it's so large that I'm having trouble
finding a useful tool to edit it. Finally, I have also tried to use the
svndumpfilter 'exclude' function (to filter out thingA and thingB), but that
seems to cause even more problems with deleted paths, so I have abandoned
that effort.

I am using windows 2000, and svn 1.1.3 (due to my company's strict CM plan,
upgrading is not a timely option, so I hope this is operator error ;) ).

Thanks very much in advance for your time.
Received on Sat Dec 10 01:46:18 2005

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