Flanakin Michael C Ctr HQ OSSG/OMR wrote:
> Oh, I completely forgot about the username issues, but here's what I
> found out: you'll need every name in the authz file at least twice
> (three times for good measure). Windows isn't case-sensitive, but Svn
> is, so you'll need one with domain and username in all caps and one with
> just the username in all lowercase chars. To make it slightly simpler on
> users, I recommend you add a third with the domain and username in all
> lowercase chars. Here's an excerpt from mine:
> [groups]
> svn-admin = DOMAIN\FLANAKINM, domain\flanakinm, flanakinm
> [/]
> @svn-admin = rw
Better to use mod_auth_sspi 1.0.3 linked from
and use e.g.
SSPIUsernameCase lower
SSPIOmitDomain on
so you only need to list lowercase usernames.
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Received on Wed Dec 7 22:45:03 2005