Thanks everyone for responding to the 1st part of my question. I think
everyone's unanimous & consistent on running the svn switch cmnd.
However, does anybody know the answers to my 2nd & 3rd questions. I have
read the manual and based on how I interpreted it, I did what it instructed,
but I can't get them to work.
----Original Message Follows----
From: Stephan Zeissler <>
To: Res Pons <>
Subject: Re: New Server Installation, Access File, and Auto-Props
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2005 08:49:31 +0100
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Don't know if you have already a solution for your 2 server problems, but
maybe this ideas can help u:
- On the clientside you can use Relocate to move the urls in your WC to a
new location.
- FSFS Repositories can live on a network share, afaik, so maybe mount the
rep of the new server on the old and let the old apache run against it.
- OR: move the repo and make a redirect/moved header in your old server
which points to the new location. I thing the svn do client follows such
http headers.
- OR: use a hook script in the old repo to commit changes made their to the
the new repo.
Maybe these help u a bit
Res Pons wrote:
>Any feeback on my post anyone? Thanks
>I'm hoping to get some feedback. Couple of months ago we installed
>Subversion on a test server but due to time constraints and not having the
>budget for newer equipment, we rolled the test server into production and
>it became our de facto repository. The server is old, and there's limited
>disk space on it. It was set up just to run basic repsitory transactions,
>running Apache on a RedHat Linux box.
>We received our new Linux Enterprise server which has a Raid system, tons
>of disk space, RHLE3.5, latest linux kernel, latest Apache, etc. I
>downloaded and installed all the Subversion.rpm files successfully without
>a hitch. Both boxes disallow ssh except the administrator. Our users are
>all on WinXP machines using either Svn DOS client or Tortoise.
>I have already tarred up the old repo, untar, and installed it on the new
>server and ran bunch of tests to make sure everything will work. And I
>allowed Apache to own all the files as www:www. And managed to login and
>check out the entir repo from the DOS client to my desktop. So far, so
>I have couple of problems which I'm not certain how to handle and need your
>help and feedback please:
>1. Both the old and the new servers have different DNS entries and IP
>addresses naturally.
>Option A: I'm getting ready to migrate repositories over the weekend by
>asking users to stop all activity, so I can tar up the old repo, move it to
>the new server, untar, test, and bring the new server online. I thought I
>ask the users to check in all their working folders, clear out their
>desktops, and just check out fresh new code or working folders from the new
>repo on Monday. The downside of this option, incomplete code breaking the
>builds but then again all activity would stop over the weekend.
>Option B: Another option would be to turn off the old server, remove and
>point its DNS entry as an alias to point to the new server to make it
>seamless to the users? I really prefer not to take down the old server yet
>or point its DNS to the new server.
>Is there a way or compromise where users can just stop activity, leave
>their current working folders intact, and on Monday they just point their
>SVN-clients to the new repo and everything magically resolves itself and
>all the repository urls in the hidden .svn subdirs magically get replaced
>with the new server url? Any ideas to make this easier for both of us;
>user and administratorwise?
>2. I got my access file in conf/ working restricting access and rights.
>Is it possible to block access per file rather per directory? There're
>couple of files in a directory which contians many subdirectories that only
>few authorized users should modify but all other users should have r/w
>access to the subdirectories beneath.
>3. I'm trying to turn on and enable the auto-props but I don't see
>/etc/subversion being created. Do I manually create this directory? Who
>should be the owner? Root or www? I copied "config, servers, and
>readme.txt" from Windows side to this newly created subdir and tweaked the
>config file and set enable-auto-prop=yes and created [auto-close] with file
>pattern entries underneath it like so *.txt=keyword=Id. Created a new text
>file, checked it in successfully but when I executed "svn proplist
>filename..." I did not see the new properties. Could someone please
>elaborate on this further. Does Subversion automatically and magically by
>default look for /etc/subversion and executes the files? I'm lost and this
>part is not working for me.
>Thanks in Advance
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Received on Sat Dec 3 18:39:18 2005