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RE: RE: Windows svn/tortoise clients with an Apache 2.0.54/AuthenNTLM/svn 1.2.1/Linux server

From: GOVAERTS Lieven <Lieven.GOVAERTS_at_post.be>
Date: 2005-08-08 17:42:03 CEST


For your information, we're using mod_ldap with Apache on a Suse 9.1 server in a Windows domain and Active Directory authentication without problems. We had a problem with the openldap code crashing on invalid passwords, but that was solved by upgrading to the latest version of openldap ( 2.2.27 ).
This seems be to a nice and stable solution. Currently we have some 30 userson Subversion, but our end goal is some 250, and I don't expect problems with the LDAP / AD part.

-----Original Message-----From: S.Madge [mailto:smadge@catlogic.com] Sent: maandag 8 augustus 2005 16:34To: users@subversion.tigris.orgSubject: RE: Windows svn/tortoise clients with an Apache 2.0.54/AuthenNTLM/svn 1.2.1/Linux server
The site is unfortunately using an active directory environment (leave the"l" out of ldap :)
They are using Apache2-AuthenNTLM-0.02 I tried a couple of other, much older non perl ntlm modules, but they dowork in a webbrowser session itself (without import/export possibilities ofcourse), but they don't work at all with the cvs client.
With best regards,S.M.Madge________________________________________From: Frank Gruman [mailto:fgatwork@verizon.net] Sent: donderdag 4 augustus 2005 18:44To: S.MadgeCc: users@subversion.tigris.orgSubject: Re: Windows svn/tortoise clients with an Apache2.0.54/AuthenNTLM/svn 1.2.1/Linux server
I have two ideas...
1) - What version of the mod_ntlm module are you running?  There was a bugin it at one time that was fixed (seehttp://search.cpan.org/src/SPEEVES/Apache2-AuthenNTLM-0.01/Changes underchanges for 2.09)
2) - If you really have that many users, have you considered using LDAPinstead?  I'm no genius, but my perception is that the LDAP is a bit morerobust and mature and may handle the user functionality better.
S.Madge wrote: Hi all,
I tried to authenticate two different subversion clients via an apache ntlmmechanism since we will be using quite a large number of users.The Apache::AuthenNTLM authentication works fine except when people try todo a commit. Whenever somebody tries to do that the svn (tortoise) clientcomes up with a login screen. Whatever you fill in it will keep on poppingup and you simply can't commit. On the linux server you see the following inapaches error_log:
[error] SMB Server connection not open in state 3 for/!svn/act/0c1afd43-b19c-b146-9762-2deb08712d53
If I use the standard svn:\\ instead of http:// everything is fine,including a commit action (but unfortunately svnserve does not know how tohandle NTLM authentication and that would mean a lot of extra usermanagement).
Has somebody got an idea?

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