Commit failed: "The pipe has been ended"
From: T E Schmitz <>
Date: 2005-08-03 16:30:33 CEST
I have been trying to commit a directory with 4200 files (70MB) and
The repository is on a local Linux server which runs SVN 1.0.6-2. In the
"Can't write to connection: The pipe has been ended."
The repository was corrupted.
I found a similar message in an archive:
I set the repository up with apache and accessed it without SSH from the
I copied the source tree over to the local server ("by hand", i.e.
The commit aborted there, too. (Can't remember the error message - sorry.)
The curious thing is: I had done exactly that before with the
I temporarily deleted the pre-commit hook; On the Windows machine, I
I should add that, when committing smaller chunks, the pre-commit
Maybe this could be a timeout problem? Our server is pretty slow. Maybe
-- Regards/Gruß, Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@subversion.tigris.orgReceived on Wed Aug 3 16:41:11 2005 |
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