enable-auto-props does not work for svn:keywords
From: Joseph Turian <turian_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2005-07-26 08:57:10 CEST
Dear Subversion community,
I cannot get enable-auto-props to work.
The short version of the question is:
Here is my .subversion/config file:
Now, there's file "foo" that's already in the repository, and this file
If I remove the file and then do an 'svn update', it pulls 'foo' from the
How can I get the $Id$ text to expand given my auto-props?
I have tried changing my config file such that the keywords list is quoted
Thank you for any help you can offer
-- http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~turian/Received on Tue Jul 26 08:59:10 2005 |
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