I would like to enable authentication on my Subversion installation. Currently it is running on a Windows 2000 Server under Apache, and I would like it to require user authentication.
I want to authenticate against our Windows Active Directory/domain server, and if you are already logged onto a domain account, I do not wan't to enter my credentials every time I commit/checkout something. Is this possible, and if so how do I achieve this?
Med venlig hilsen / Yours Sincerely
Mads Grønfeldt - Software Developer
DSE A/S, DSE Airport Solutions, www.dse.dk <http://www.dse.dk/>
Sverigesvej 19, 8700 Horsens, Denmark
Direct: +45 79 25 33 32 / Fax: +45 75 61 58 95
Received on Tue Jul 26 08:19:58 2005