fsfs lock storage in 1.2.0rc3 and earlier is incompatible with 1.2.0rc4
From: Brian W. Fitzpatrick <fitz_at_collab.net>
Date: 2005-05-11 20:04:10 CEST
In the process of fixing a bug in 1.2.0rc3 (yes, this means that
What this means is that if you've created locks in your fsfs repository
"svn: Corrupt lockfile for path /xxx"
Your lockfile has not been corrupted, it's just that we renamed one of
There are two things you can do to rectify this situation:
1. Delete the REPOSITORY/db/locks directory. This will, however,
2. Do a search and replace of "is_xml_comment" with "is_dav_comment" on
Remember--this applies only to fsfs: bdb repositories store their locks
Lastly, this isn't technically a change in repository format since we
Apologies for the inconvenience,
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