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Re: Why is my svn+ssh:// access asking 4 passwd twice?

From: Matthew England <mengland_at_mengland.net>
Date: 2005-04-12 04:15:43 CEST

This double-password phenomena happens with both svn cmdline and Tortoise.

I guess no one is buying my "a repository config is contributing to this
behavior" theory (although I'm a little suspect if my emails are getting
completely read in all detail), despite lots of evidence to the contrary,
so I guess I'll just go back and research it some more on my own. Maybe
I'm simply not hearing what you are trying to say. (I had read the svn+ssh
sections of the book thoroughly before implementing my system.) Thanks for
your contributions.

imho, using a password-caching agent (like ssh-agent) is only going to mask
the problem, and I'm afraid the problem will linger for a long time,
rearing it's ugly head right when I'm in development crunch time. So I
need to fix it now.


At 4/11/2005 09:10 PM, Scott Goodwin wrote:
>Sounds to me like subversion has to make multiple connections to perform
>some operations, each of which is a separate repository access, and
>therefore each requiring an ssh connection, hence typing in the password
>multiple times. It does that whenever I diff a local file against the
>repository, multiple times. To make it go away, use ssh-agent as mentioned
>before, or generate an ssh public/private keypair and use it to
>authenticate. I don't have any experience with TortoiseSVN, but it sounds
>like it may be caching the password for you and using it on each
>repository access behind the scenes. Really, it isn't subversion doing this.
>On Apr 11, 2005, at 9:48 PM, Matthew England wrote:
>>At 4/11/2005 08:32 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
>>Yes, but that does not explain why formerly (on the same system with the
>>same software but with a different repository) when I did complete 'svn
>>co svn+ssh://' procedures why said procedure only asked for my password
>>*once* during said procedure...and now on a diff repository it's asking
>>for my password *twice* in the same 'svn co' get.
>>No, I believe that this difference (one repo asks for the password, the
>>other asks for the same password twice) significies some
>>difference/problem with the repo that asks for the password twice. I
>>just don't know what that problem is (presuming the repo does control the
>>different); any suggestions? Do I need to form a repo in a certain
>>fashion? Other issues?
>>Additionally, when I'm using my Tortoise flavor of my client (although I
>>more often use the cmdline on both cygwin and Linux), I see that after I
>>use the first password that the ".svn" subdir appears and is accessible
>>on my local system (when I started with a blank "checkout" local dir);
>>the local file system does not change so long as I do not issue my
>>password the 2nd time (when Tortoise asks for it, per the ssh "relogin"
>>for the same checkout operation).
>>Thus this further supports my above theory, imho.
>>Further, when the book quotes:
>>>If you want to prevent ssh from repeatedly asking for your password [...]
>>... I suspect the "repeatedly" means "repeatedly, once for each
>>svn-cleitn access operation" not "repeatedly during the same svn-client
>>access." Am I wrong?
>>At 4/11/2005 08:32 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
>>>Matthew England wrote:
>>>>(I figure this is a total newbie question from an ignorant user/admin,
>>>>but I couldn't find it in the FAQ--yet--so I thought I'd ask it here...)
>>>>Why is my "svn co svn+ssh://..." access asking for my ssh passwd twice
>>>>(even when I do not mistype my password)?
>>>>It seems that on the first password pass it creates a ".svn"
>>>>subdirectory first and then asks for the password again to get the rest
>>>>of the files.
>>>>Any idea what's going on here?
>>>Last paragraph:
>>>"A final note: when using svn+ssh:// URLs to access a repository,
>>>remember that it's the ssh program prompting you for authentication, and
>>>not the svn program. That means there's no automatic password caching
>>>going on (see the section called "Client Credentials Caching"). If you
>>>want to prevent ssh from repeatedly asking for your password, you'll
>>>need to use a separate memory-caching tool like ssh-agent on a Unix-like
>>>system, or pageant on Windows."
>>>Andrew Thompson
>>>Interested in a hosted SVN repository? Email me, let's talk...
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Received on Tue Apr 12 04:18:50 2005

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