RE: Problems with on Windows XP
From: David Colton <>
Date: 2005-04-07 17:17:48 CEST
As I get digest I haven't gotten John Szakmeister's reply yet. However it's
As a result I've fallen back on what I know best ... Ant. Here is the script
<project name="BackupSubversion" basedir="." default="yesBackupNeeded">
<property name="backup_dir" value="T:\SCM\SVNBackups"/>
<property name="repository_dir" value="C:\SVNRepository"/>
<target name="getYoungest">
<exec dir="${backup_dir}" executable="svnlook.exe"
<arg line="youngest ${repository_dir}"/>
<property name="backup_instance"
<echo message="youngest: ${youngest}"/>
<echo message="backup_instance: ${backup_instance}"/>
<target name="isBackupNeeded" depends="getYoungest">
<available file="${backup_instance}" type="dir"
<target name="noBackupNeeded" depends="isBackupNeeded"
<echo message="No commits since last backup ... Exiting"/>
<target name="yesBackupNeeded" depends="noBackupNeeded"
<echo message="Backup directory for youngest change set ${youngest}
<mkdir dir="${backup_instance}"/>
<echo message="Starting backup ${backup_instance}."/>
<exec dir="${backup_dir}" executable="svnadmin.exe"
<arg line="hotcopy ${repository_dir} ${backup_instance}"/>
<echo message="hot copy exit value: ${exit_value}"/>
<format property="out_of_date" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"
<echo message="out_of_date: ${out_of_date}"/>
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="${backup_dir}" includes="**">
<date datetime="${out_of_date}" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm
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