"Gee-clough, Aaron (NIH/CIT)" <geecla@mail.nih.gov> writes:
> through the bindings. But, like you, I can't find anything in the bindings
> that do this sort of thing.
You didn't look hard enough :). Here's my pre-commit:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use SVN::Core;
use SVN::Fs;
use SVN::Repos;
our $repo_path;
our $txn_name;
our $txn;
our $repo;
our $fs;
our $txnroot;
our %paths_changed;
our @sorted_paths;
our $author;
our $date;
our $log;
our $headroot;
my $hook;
my $result;
$repo_path = shift;
$txn_name = shift;
$repo = SVN::Repos::open($repo_path);
$fs = $repo->fs;
# If a third argument is present, enter debug mode and treat it as
# a revision to operate on. This masquerades a revroot as a
# txnroot so we can run this thing interactively against an
# existing revision.
if ($txn = shift) {
$txn_name = $txn;
$txnroot = $fs->revision_root($txn);
$author = $fs->revision_prop($txn, 'svn:author');
$date = $fs->revision_prop($txn, 'svn:date');
$log = $fs->revision_prop($txn, 'svn:log');
} else {
$txn = $fs->open_txn($txn_name);
$txnroot = $txn->root;
$author = $txn->prop('svn:author');
$date = $txn->prop('svn:date');
$log = $txn->prop('svn:log');
my $key; my $val;
my %tmp = %{$txnroot->paths_changed};
while (($key, $val) = each(%tmp)) {
$paths_changed{substr($key, 1)} = $val;
@sorted_paths = sort(keys(%paths_changed));
$headroot = $fs->revision_root($fs->youngest_rev);
for $_ (sort(glob("$repo_path/hooks/pre-commit-hooks/*"))) {
require $_;
$hook = basename($_);
$hook =~ s/-/_/g;
$hook =~ s/^\d*//;
eval "\$result = \&$hook";
$@ and die($@);
if ($result =~ /^[01]$/) {
if ($result) {
# Immediately allow the commit.
} else {
# This check is fine with the commit, continue to next check.
} else {
# $result is an error message, deny the commit.
print(STDERR "\n$result\n");
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Received on Wed Apr 6 23:06:42 2005