Markus Ewald wrote:
> Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Something is screwed up with your installation.
>> I downloaded your file (BTW .rar is a rather obscure compression
>> method, I had to go find additional software to unpack it. The formats
>> .tar.bz2, .tar.gz, or .zip, are usually the best), and simply ran
>> "svnadmin recover" and "svnadmin dump", and it dumped fine.
> Thanks for your effort! I'll use gzip or bzip2 next time ;-)
> I just tried running 'recover' on the repository using my windows
> machine (didn't try it before because I was under the impression that
> linux repositories didn't work on windows) and it successfully
> completed. Now, after a quick dump and re-load everything seems to be in
> order again.
> Guess that's another indication that I really did screw up my
> installation. I built and installed Berkeley DB 4.3 on this machine some
> time ago, could subversion by any chance be using this version instead
> of the one from the package dependency ?
Possible, though I wouldn't expect these totally silent lockups just because
of that.
To check which version of BDB a Subversion binary is using, try running ldd
/usr/bin/svn | fgrep libdb.
To check which version of BDB a repository is using, see
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Received on Mon Apr 4 10:08:24 2005