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Re: Feature request: more abbreviated commands

From: Tobias Herp <tobias.herp_at_gmx.de>
Date: 2005-03-06 03:47:44 CET

Hash: SHA1

|> Can any non-ambiguous shortcut be accepted? e.g. "com" is
|> non-ambiguous for "commit".
|> There's no point in cluttering "svn help" with all possible
|> abbrevations, of course.

v4r4n schrieb:

| I believe this request has been made before and denied multiple times
| because the developers wish to keep the interface simple.

Why? I don't think it's difficult for the user; nobody is forced to
use the abbreviations. It's just slightly more difficult to
implement, especially when new commands are added.

Of course, there can't be a guarantee for abbreviations to work in
future svn versions, because they might become ambigious; thus, for
scripting the complete commands should be used. But for interactive
use it won't be a problem.

| It is generally agreed that CVS has too many shortcut commands for the
| same operations. It doesn't matter that they are easy to add, SVN
| is trying not to make this mistake.

It's a pretty simple rule to just accept any unambigious
abbreviation. To me, "com" instead of "commit" is even easier to
remember than "ci" (which slightly misleads to think of "checkin"
which doesn't exist but would be same as "commit"); it won't hurt to
at least accept abbreviations which feature a minimum of 3
characters (because of some existing non-systematic 2-letter
abbreviations; unambigious for all but prop...).

checkout (co, checko...)
commit (ci, com...)
delete (rm, remove, del...)
mkdir (md, mkd...)
propdel (pdel, pd...)

Or at least accept abbreviations for commands which don't have a
short version.

- --
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