Sure. Please keep in mind that each "config" results in different results, hence the source of confusion. Here's a chart of what happens; 2 examples are below.
WebDAV (DAV on) WebDAV+SVN (DAV svn)
--------------- --------------------
WC Updated? Yes No
Repo Updated? No Yes
Now my issue is quite straight-forward. It appears that adding "Autoversioning" to a webdav-accessible working copy does not actually update the working copy.
[example of WebDAV Only]
1. I have a working copy at "d:\htdocs\webdav\" of a Repository.
2. I make the directory WebDAV-accessible via Apache2 + mod_dav.
3. I WebDAV-update a file.
4. The working copy file is up-to-date.
5. The SVN Repository is not changed (obviously, bc Autoversioning is off).
[example of WebDAV, SVN, Autoversioning]
1. I have a working copy at "d:\htdocs\webdav\" of a Repository.
2. I make the directory WebDAV-accessible via Apache2 + mod_dav_svn.
3. I WebDAV-update a file.
4. The working copy file is *not* up-to-date.
5. The SVN Repository *is* changed (bc Autoversioning is ON).
... Am I the only person to experience this? Is there a way to have the working copy _share_ updates with SVNAutoversioning so *both* WC + Repo are updated simultaneously?
... Or, can an HTTP site directly reflect a Repo w/o actually checking out the site? This would allow realtime autoversioning AND web-browser viewing of just-checked-in content.
I hope that helps clarify my questions. Thank you.
- nasser
Nasser Dassi
Sr. Technical Programmer
O: 212-297-8045
M: 917-747-6326
F: 212-297-8006
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Collins-Sussman []
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 1:25 PM
To: Dassi, Nasser
Subject: Re: mod_dav_svn WC auto-update ... bug?
On Jan 17, 2005, at 11:24 AM, Dassi, Nasser wrote:
> Hello everybody, here is my next challenge which needs clarification
> (even after re-reading the entire SVN Book).
> Background:
> Apache2, SVN 1.1.x, mod_dav_svn, SVNAutoversioning, and 2 sites exist
> (port 80 is classic apache http, and port 81 is webdav+svn configured)
> pointing to same location/directory.
> Situtation + Results:
> SVN Working Copy (via http URL) edits with 'DAV on' updates the WC
> files on-the-fly without versioning automatically. But...
> SVN Working Copy (via same http URL) edits with 'DAV svn'
> autoversions the repository on-the-fly but *does not* update the
> working copy files.
> Question:
> Is this by design? Is it possible to 'auto-update' the working copy
> files *and* the repository when Autoversioning is used?
> This may be a 'bug' for the autoversioning module, unless if
> by-design; but it seems awkward and annoying to have a remote server
> requiring manual intervention to view HTML change updates just because
> SVN is used to auto-version files.
I honestly don't understand.. What do you mean by "auto-update"?
You've given us a description of two different server configurations, but I can't decipher what commands you're running and what results you're seeing. Can you try re-explaining in a different way, being as specific as possible?
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Received on Mon Jan 17 19:58:30 2005