Hello list!
I'm trying to get permissions to be the same for all of my /etc/
directory. I've been keeping an eye on /etc/sudoers because it was the
first thing I noticed as having wrong permissions. Before the import
(the regular mode) of the sudoers file is 0400 (owner and group read
only, other nothing)
I've been following the instructions from the "in place import". The url
is http://subversion.tigris.org/project_faq.html#in-place-import
This is what I do to import etc:
rm -rf /subversion/
svnadmin create /subversion
svn mkdir file:///subversion/etc -m "Enable controlling of etc in
version control "
cd /etc/
svn checkout file:///subversion/etc .
svn add *
asvn commit -m "Using asvn to do the commit"
Then to test it I do:
svn export file:///subversion/ /version_controlled_etc
Before the import, an "ls -la /etc/sudoers" is:
-r--r----- 1 root root 915 2004-02-14 11:45 /etc/sudoers
And after the export:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 915 2005-01-14 18:40
I'm using Asvn to preserve the permissions. I'm sure I'm missing a step
somewhere that will take care of the permissions. I know this isn't an
"asvn" list, but I'm hoping someone where will be familiar with asvn and
be able to help me out.
Thank you.
- Jeremy Cohoe
Received on Sat Jan 15 04:10:01 2005