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Re: Renaming files on win32

From: Mark Phippard <MarkP_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2004-12-23 20:06:04 CET

"Ed MacDonald" <edmacdonald@hotmail.com> wrote on 12/23/2004 01:16:41 PM:

> Let's try another tack.
> As has been presented, there is an existing hook script that will handle
> this situation as long as the locale for the server and all clients are
> same. It seems to me that this ought to cover *all* "private"
> I say all because for the tiny fraction that may legitimately have
> locales, it's easy enough to dictate the use of one.
> For open source projects such as SVN itself, you just don't give
> privileges to anyone who won't follow the accepted coding conventions
> the project.
> With the hook-script facility in place, I think it makes very little
> to muddy the core libraries with things that can be accomplished with
> scripts. The most powerful and lasting technologies we use are the ones
> that don't try to solve too many problems, but are "layer friendly".
> are countless examples of technologies that failed because they try to
> too many things.
> So, is there anyone on the list that has an *actual* as opposed to
> *theoretical* environment that won't work with the hook script?

I am personally not opposed to using a hook script for this. However, I
will say the fact that the script is written in Perl is going to place it
outside the "comfort zone" for many Windows administrators.

Also, to answer your question, I am pretty far along on a port of
Subversion to OS/400. For the most part, Perl does not exist on OS/400.
There is an unofficial port, but I do not know how generally compatible it
is. I also would not be too confident in my ability to port SWIG and all
that is needed to make Perl bindings work on OS/400.

I would maybe like to see a version of this hook script written in C, so
as to possibly make it easier to package it in a way that was more
comfortable for user's that are not comfortable with Perl. I have no idea
how much the "magic" of the existing script depends on features provided
by Perl for which there are no easy C equivalents.



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Received on Thu Dec 23 20:08:24 2004

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