Benjamin Pflugmann <> writes:
> The reason the case issue on MS Windows is not fixed yet, is because
> nobody decided it's important enough for him/her to make it happen. So it
> has to wait until it crawls up high enough on the lists of one of the
> people who has not as much personal interest, and then finds enough time
> and energy to take care of it.
One reason that nobody found it *really* important yet, is that it is no
big deal working around it! Case sensitivity is only a problem if you have
a team using both UNIX and Windows clients on the same repository. If you
have a pure Windows client team, nobody will be able to commit
{test,Test,TEST} files in the same directory. If you have a pure UNIX
client team, well no problem..
So a mixed client team can setup a project policy to forbid committing
{test,Test,TEST} files, and thus avoid the problem. Should it ever happen
in spite of the policy, the sinner must fix the problem and bye everyone a
beer. Then life can continue. No big deal IMHO, especially considering how
extremely rare {test,Test,TEST} is in practice.
Best regards.
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Received on Wed Dec 22 10:12:40 2004