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RE: Checking out multi-project repositories

From: Petri Varsa <petri.varsa_at_desire2learn.com>
Date: 2004-12-22 00:53:29 CET

We have a similar scenario and we came up with a few different solutions
that seem acceptable.

I wouldn't mind feedback from the svn-users community on any of these

Assumption: it is _very_ important for us to not have the trunk, tags,
and branches directories visible.

Assumption: most people will want to work on the trunk, and branching
will be a special case.

1. Create a shell script (or batch file) that does all the checkouts for
the users, for each of the appropriate scenarios.

2. Create a new repo that uses svn:externals to properly check out
source code into the right folders. This way, uses can do: "svn co
https://host/rpgsuite_trunk rpgsuite" to get all of the trunks.

3. Create a "versions" folder at the root level of the repo. This
"versions" folder uses svn:externals to check things out in the right
This way, users can do "svn co
https://host/rpg_suite/versions/1.0/trunkdev rpgsuite" to get all of the


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Pappas [mailto:nick@rightstep.org]
Sent: December 21, 2004 6:22 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Checking out multi-project repositories

        Hello all.

        First, I need thank everyone who helped me out in getting
Subversion to
work on Gentoo, and making the suggestions concerning IntelliJ IDEA
which prompted me to go ahead with Subversion in the first place.
Thanks. :)
        I've since set up a multi-project repository, and I'm curious
about the
"proper" way to check things out -- or how to suggest that others check
things out.
        Here is my structure:


        Someone like myself would want everything, so should I checkout
root and point my IDE to the appropriate 'trunk' directories? Or, is it

more "proper" to check out each project (client, server, common)
        Another developer might only be interested in the client.
Should I
point them to the 'trunk' directory, or should I point them to 'client'
so that they get the 3 sub-directories?
        ... or does it not really matter? :)

        Thanks again for all your help!


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Received on Wed Dec 22 00:53:05 2004

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