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Storing lots of content in properties

From: Alejandro Forero Cuervo <azul_at_bachue.com>
Date: 2004-12-22 00:04:18 CET


I'm making a wiki application which stores everything in a
Subversion repository (calling libsvn directly). Thus, my
application gets access to all the functionality provided by
Subversion and also allows certain users to checkout the entire
website and edit it directly rather than through the web

I'm trying to implement each of the standard features associated
with wiki systems using the appropriate Subversion features. I
am using properties for many things.

I recently decided it was time to implement a "Talk" page.
Basically, for each file in my repository, I want to create an
associated file in which users can discuss the contents of the
original file. However, I would like some input on what would be
the correct way to implement this.

I'm thinking of storing the entire content for the discuss files
as a property (say "svnwiki:discuss") of their original file. I
like this metaphor better than other options I have considered.

However, I'm not entirely sure Subversion is designed to properly
handle properties having long values (probably longer than the
files' contents, in some cases). I'm I likely to run into
problems if I use properties to store this information? Also, is
there a way to create a diff of the contents of a property over
different revisions?

Thank you for your input.


Ps: Another option would be to pick some standard naming
mechanism for the discuss files. For example, for each file
named /somefile/, I could name its discuss page something
like /x-somefile/. This could lead to some name clashes and
doesn't convince me. Also, unlike the other mechanism, it
would allow discussion pages to have discussion pages (such as

Psps: If you are curious, you can read more about and download
svnwiki at:


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Received on Wed Dec 22 00:05:34 2004

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