Configuration and build management
From: sheila miguez <>
Date: 2004-12-20 21:06:08 CET
I've looked at the Subversion Best Practices document, and chapters in
I recently moved from a job where we used clear case for build
I'm working to get some build process into play here, but I'm having
Does anyone have a configuration management or build management
I'd like to understand a branch workflow, a build workflow, and a
First question -- Suppose I have 1.0.1 and want to build 1.0.2 and
In my clearcase days, I would have switched to my special view that I
Then I would have run through my build scripts to merge in changes
Developers working on 4, 5, and 6 would know about the build, and
At any point in the process, I could rollback and cancel the build.
In subversion, Would I create a temporary branch directory and use the
Second Question -- Suppose I have more than one bug open to work on.
Third Question -- Suppose I open a new defect, and want to make a
What do people typically do?
I apologize for the disorganized letter, I'm thinking outloud.
-- sheila --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@subversion.tigris.orgReceived on Tue Dec 21 00:48:43 2004 |
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