RE: Commiting file which contains the next revision number
From: Jeff Urlwin <>
Date: 2004-12-16 21:37:02 CET
Well, not really. While $NextRev$ may sound convenient (which it would be), I would want
After checkin of Changes.txt:
* foo fixed in Rev: 3
But, since I'd have to edit Changes.txt again for the next log message, I would:
* bar fixed in Rev: $NextRevOneTimeOnly$
Since, you'll probably keep a running edit on the Changes file, what you can do now is:
* foo fixed in Rev: $Revision$
And, after commit, go and edit
* foo fixed in Rev: $Revision 5$
Then publish the version.
But it would be nice to have a method to do it cleanly.
For an example, see Tim Bunce's DBD-Oracle Changes file here:
So, you can see that Tim, for example, tracks the rev # for each release to the public.
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