Haakon Riiser <haakon.riiser@fys.uio.no> writes:
> First of all, can Subversion do both single file history (like
> CVS) and be changeset oriented (like Arch)? Secondly (and more
> importantly), is it possible to make Subversion store the pristine
> copy /outside/ the working copy? I had the same problem with
> Arch at first, and I hated it: ctags, cscope, grep -r, find,
> and other recursive tools would get confused by the extra copy
> of every file, and I don't want to be bothered with having to
> exclude the meta directories. Arch had a nice solution for this:
> revision libraries stored outside the working copy. I don't mind
> a few meta files in the working copy, but keeping an extra copy
> of the entire source tree under there was just too annoying.
Subversion is tree-oriented. It can't be definitively called "file
oriented" or "changeset oriented".
There is currently no way to store the pristine copies outside the
working copy.
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Received on Fri Dec 10 18:56:33 2004