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Viewing the labels that are attached to a certain file

From: Matthias Bauer <bauer_at_four-d.de>
Date: 2004-12-10 10:17:54 CET

Hello everybody,

I am in the process of evaluating Subversion for using it as the primary
version repository in our company. We are currently using an RCS based
repository with the commercial frontend tool CS-RCS. I am also familiar with
the concepts of CVS and Clearcase.

Subversion looks good so far, even though it needs some time to get used to
the concept of implementing tags/labels and branches with the concept of
"cheap copies". I know this issue has already been discussed a lot on this
list and I don't want to restart these discussions. However, there is one
thing I bitterly miss, when implementing tags/labels with copies of trees or
files in Subversion: How can I find out, which tags/labels are attached to a

Lets look at an example:

- There is a file test.txt that is located in root:/trunk.
- I am tagging different versions of this file by copying it to
root:/tags/int_001, root:/tags/int_002, root:/tags/int_003, ...
- Now I want to have a chance to look at test.txt and easily find out, which
tags/labels are attached to this file. CVS offers a command for this.

Is there a Subversion command that allows to extract the information for

Thanks in advance,

--- Matthias

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Received on Fri Dec 10 18:29:55 2004

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