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"inconsistent newlines" error during import

From: Fred Yankowski <fred_at_ontosys.com>
Date: 2004-12-10 18:03:17 CET

I have set up my $HOME/.subversion/config like this

  enable-auto-props = yes

  * = svn:eol-style=native

according to the suggestion at

When I try to import the code from the WordPress project with that
config in effect I get a fatal error like this:

    svn: File '/usr/local/src/wordpress/1.2.1/wp-comments-post.php'
    has inconsistent newlines

If I temporarily disable auto-props then I'm able to do the import.
If I then re-enable auto-props and checkout the code, it's identical
to the original code (input to import).

Assuming a config as above, here's a test case that shows the problem:

        echo -e "foo\r\r" > foo.txt
        svn import foo.txt file:///var/tmp/svntest/junk

With subversion 1.1.1 this gives the "inconsistent newlines" error.
Note that foo.txt ends with two CRs (\r) and one NL (\n) -- a weird
line-ending for sure, but one that appears in some real-world source

So, am I OK to just temporarily disable auto-props when I hit that
error during an import? Or is this just deferring some problem
that'll bite me later? I don't understand why the
svn:eol-style=native property affects import anyway, as it seems like
it should affect only how files are checked out, not how they are
stored in the repository.

Fred Yankowski      fred@ontosys.com           tel: +1.630.879.1312
OntoSys, Inc	    PGP keyID: 7B449345        fax: +1.630.879.1370
www.ontosys.com     38W242 Deerpath Rd, Batavia, IL 60510-9461, USA
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Received on Fri Dec 10 18:05:36 2004

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