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FAQ patch

From: Henrik Vendelbo <hvendelbo_at_bluprints.com>
Date: 2004-12-10 02:00:38 CET

** CHANGE FOR: How do I set repository permissions correctly?

Try to have as few users access the repository as possible. For example, run
apache or 'svnserve -d' as a specific user, and make the repository wholly
owned by that user. Don't allow any other users to access the repository via
file:/// urls, and be sure to run 'svnlook' and 'svnadmin' only as the user
which owns the repository.

If your clients are accessing via file:/// or svn+ssh://, then there's no
way to avoid access by multiple users. In that case, read the last section
in chapter 6, and pay particular attention to the "checklist" sidebar at the
bottom. It outlines a number of steps to make this scenario safer.

Note for SELinux / Fedora Core 3+ / RedHat Enterprise users:
In addition to regular Unix permissions, under SELinux every file,
directory, process, etc. has a 'security context'. When a process attempts
to access a file, besides checking the Unix permissions the system also
checks to see if the security context of the process is compatible with the
security context of the file.

Fedora Core 3, among other systems, comes with SELinux installed by default,
configured so that Apache runs in a fairly restricted security context. To
run Subversion under Apache, you have to set the security context of the
repository to allow Apache access (or turn off the restrictions on Apache,
if you think all this is overkill). The chcon command is used to set the
security context of files (similarly to how the chmod sets the traditional
Unix permissions). For example, one user had to issue this command


   $ chcon -R -h -u system_u -t httpd_sys_content_t PATH_TO_REPOSITORYto set
the security context to be able to successfully access the repository.
The -u changes the security context user while the -t changes the security
context type. The security policy configured on Fedora Core 3 does not seem
to mind if the user is root rather than system_u, but the documentation
states that system_u should be used, so better safe than sorry. The fedora
team has posted a nice tutorial on SELinux at

Since new files and directories inherit the security context of the parent
directory you may save yourself the maintenance work by storing repositories
in a common directory for which you have set the proper security context.
Then you may create a repository within the parent directory without further
context changes. Besides httpd content, configuration files are also
accessed by Apache httpd. These should have a type of etc_t. If you maintain
them in a directory outside /etc (in a common Subversion directory for
instance), remember to set the security context using the command

    $ chcon -u system_u -t etc_t PATH_TO_CONF_FILE

If you want to check the security context settings you may use a simple ls


The overall benefit you get is that SELinux puts Apache & Subversion in a
Sandbox that allows you to configure exactly which files and directories one
may access through settings and system policy. Even someone successfully
hacking Apache or Subversion will not be able to gain access beyond the




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Received on Fri Dec 10 03:38:40 2004

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