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Re: Directory Merges and svn:ignore

From: <trlists_at_clayst.com>
Date: 2004-12-05 05:51:20 CET

On 4 Dec 2004 Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:

> > what I want it to do :-). It seems to me that the svn:ignore property
> > for a directory might often be something one *doesn't* want merged, but
> > I get that the code can't cover every case.
> Really? I've never heard of one branch wanting a different svn:ignore
> property than another. But heck, you can do whatever you wish...

I have some miscellaneous unversioned files -- little scripts, test
files, etc. -- in my development branch. I have svn:ignore settings
that keep svn status from bugging me about those. I don't need or want
the same things in a branch used for fixing bugs in the released code.
If I merge bug fixes from the release to the development branch I lose
the ignore properties I had on the development branch subdirectories.
If I go the other way (not likely), I end up with extra ignores on the
release branch that I don't want there.

> > So the undo is just to do the reverse merge command on that one item?
> > For a directory, can I do it by doing a reverse merge on the directory
> > name, with -N to avoid also doing the files?
> Gosh, no! Nothing so complicated! Just because you use 'svn merge' to
> create a whole bunch of local edits, doesn't mean you have to *keep*
> using that command to make more edits!

Of course, I knew that but frankly forgot it. I am still trying to
keep straight what's happening in the repository and what's happening
in my WC.

> So what I'm trying to say is: all local edits are "equal", regardless
> of how they came to be. You can undo them by using 'svn revert' to
> remove textual and property changes. 'svn revert' also removes
> schedulings (schedule-add and schedule-delete).

But will also remove any local edits I do want if I had to resolve
conflicts, right?

> Of course, you can undo edits just by editing them away: remove a
> text change in your editor, or remove a propchange by running 'svn
> propset' or 'svn propdel'.

OK, so the propset to reset svn:ignore is the right way to do things in
this case.

Again just for my learning, there is no way to revert a property change
and nothing else, is there?


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Received on Sun Dec 5 05:52:51 2004

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