> svn 1.1.1, stand-alone, W2K.
> Looking at this issue further, it seems diff just won't compare a rev
> in one branch of the repository to a working copy of the same file from
> another branch. Any attempt to do so yields:
> svn: Target lists to diff may not contain both working copy paths
> and URLs
> Is that right?
> If so it seems in conflict with the help which says things like
> "TARGETs may be working copy paths or URLs" and "OLD-TGT and NEW-TGT
> may be working copy paths or URL[@REV]."
You want to use usage case #2.
"svn diff --old=OLD-TGT --new=NEW-TGT"
I just tested it here locally and works with trunk, but I am pretty
sure it worked with 1.1.x as well. If you don't specify --old and
--new, 'svn diff' thinks you are giving it a list of things to diff
from one revision to another, but located in the same place.
> I can work around this by always committing local changes in a branch
> before trying to compare against committed changes from another branch,
> but I was hoping there was an easier way ...
Try the above and I think you'll find that no workarounds are
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Received on Sat Dec 4 02:15:03 2004