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error checking out to NFS mount

From: Luke Q Campagnola <lcampagn_at_Mines.EDU>
Date: 2004-12-02 20:17:02 CET

I have an odd little problem; certain directories in my svn repository can
not be checked out TO an nfs-mounted directory. I am not sure what causes
this problem, but it does not happen for everything in the repository.
Here's an example:

The /home directory on my machine (rumble) is an NFS mount. In this
example, I create a new directory and import it:

  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ mkdir test
  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ svn import test svn+ssh://seca/test

  Committed revision 124.

Now I check it back out to another location, add a file, and check it in

  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ svn co svn+ssh://seca/test t
  Checked out revision 124.
  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ cd t
  rumble:/home/lcampagn/t$ touch a
  rumble:/home/lcampagn/t$ svn add a
  A a
  rumble:/home/lcampagn/t$ svn ci
  Adding a
  Transmitting file data .
  Committed revision 125.

So far everything seems to be working, but if I check it out again and add
a directory instead, the commit fails:

  rumble:/home/lcampagn/t$ cd ..
  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ svn co svn+ssh://seca/test t2
  A t2/a
  Checked out revision 125.
  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ cd t2
  rumble:/home/lcampagn/t2$ mkdir b
  rumble:/home/lcampagn/t2$ svn add b
  A b
  rumble:/home/lcampagn/t2$ svn ci
  svn: XML parser failed in '/home/lcampagn/t2'
  svn: Malformed XML: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 27

Note that this does NOT happen if I am working out of a local filesystem
such as /tmp:

  rumble:/tmp$ svn co svn+ssh://seca/test t2
  A t2/a
  Checked out revision 125.
  rumble:/tmp$ cd t2
  rumble:/tmp/t2$ mkdir b
  rumble:/tmp/t2$ svn add b
  A b
  rumble:/tmp/t2$ svn ci
  Adding b

  Committed revision 126.

This problem does not only occur when I add directories to my data; I
can't find any specific trigger that causes the problem. I also have
trouble checking out directories onto NFS filesystems:

  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ svn co http://seca.thunderlab/svn/vectormath v
  A v/DEBIAN/control
  A v/DEBIAN/files
  svn: In directory 'v/DEBIAN'
  svn: Can't copy 'v/DEBIAN/.svn/tmp/text-base/files.svn-base' to
  'v/DEBIAN/files.tmp': No such file or directory

But again, this works fine on a local flesystem:

  rumble:/home/lcampagn$ svn co http://seca.thunderlab/svn/vectormath /tmp/v
  A /tmp/v/DEBIAN
  A /tmp/v/DEBIAN/control
  A /tmp/v/DEBIAN/files
  A /tmp/v/vectormath.h
  A /tmp/v/vectormath.cpp
  A /tmp/v/Makefile
  Checked out revision 127.

I have tried using both http and svn+ssh protocols, and I have also tried
using two different versions of svn (1.0.9 from Debian unstable and 1.0.6
from Ubuntu). What's even stranger to me is that I have not always had
this problem; it started recently for no particular reason (I can not
remember having changed anything that might have caused this).

Any help would be appreciated!


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Received on Thu Dec 2 20:20:12 2004

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