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RE: NT Domain authentication from Linux command line

From: Steve Dwire <sdwire_at_parkcitysolutions.com>
Date: 2004-08-30 15:38:38 CEST

Two questions:


1) Can you open the same URL using, say, Mozilla?

2) Is it possible that the Linux box may somehow be sitting on a
different subnet, and somehow the same IP address is actually resolving
to a different physical machine? I know that's not very likely, but I've
seen stranger things happen before in a sufficiently complicated network


Steve Dwire



From: Jeffrey.Fernandez [mailto:Jeffrey.Fernandez@cpm-aus.com.au]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 1:16 AM
To: 'users@subversion.tigris.org'
Subject: NT Domain authentication from Linux command line


My work has setup subversion on a windows box with NT Authentication.
Everything seems to be working fine on all the Windows networked boxes.
However I am trying to checkout from the repository from a Linux command
line svn client and failing to get anywhere near an authentication. I am
using the following command to checkout the repository:

svn checkout (I can checkout fine
from other online repositories without any problems)

However this process just hangs there without doing anything.

Upon CTRL+C I get the following message:
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/'
svn: PROPFIND of '/': could not connect to server (

I can ping the server fine without problems


Here is the Apache2 config details:

<Location />
        DAV svn
        SVNPath C:/sourcecontrol

        AuthType SSPI
        SSPIAuth On
        SSPIAuthoritative On
        SSPIDomain CPM_PDC
        SSPIOfferBasic On
        AuthName "Enter in format NTDOMAIN\your user name"
        Require valid-user

        #AuthUserFile passwd
        #AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile


Can someone point me to what other configurations should I look into.

Jeffery Fernandez
Received on Mon Aug 30 15:39:20 2004

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