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Re: Multiple users working on the same checkout

From: Thomas Harold <tgh_at_tgharold.com>
Date: 2004-08-26 22:38:42 CEST

Jeff Squyres wrote:

> We have a case where multiple developers sharing a single checkout is a
> good thing -- the live docroot on a web site. We all develop in our
> own, separate checkouts, but when we hit a stable point (which is
> actually quite frequently), someone has to go do an "svn up" in the live
> docroot. This is also, obviously, an SVN checkout.

As m christensen said (and you agreed), that's not really multiple folks
working in the same common folder. We have pretty much the same
situation, a website being maintained in VSS, except that we just
manually FTP the changes up to the site. The "deploy" feature in VSS is
too simplistic, plus we're using SourceOffSite in the far-flung places
that are developers live in (and SOS doesn't do deploy or even shadow

Doing a "get latest" or "svn up" on the target webserver isn't a bad way
of doing it. Now that I have a spare SOS license floating around, we
may switch to doing it that way (using a dedicated "website" user on the
web box).

I think where folks get into the (bad) habit of using a common working
folder for daily development is if they weren't using a SCC system
before. In which case, there's typically a single shared folder on the
network were all of the code lives (backed up periodically) and each
developer works directly off of that shared folder. During the
migration to using a SCC system, it doesn't always sink in that they now
need to create individual working directories for everyone.

At least, that's the way things went when I instituted the use of VSS at
my previous employer. (Which was better then the old method... no SCC
at all, everyone working in the same tree, fights over revisions and
change conflict, not knowing which folder had the "real" code.)

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Received on Thu Aug 26 22:39:26 2004

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