Toby Johnson wrote:
> Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Toby Johnson wrote:
>>> Is there a way to tell the original revision a working copy was at when
>>> it was first checked out, even after it has undergone updates?
>> No. Why?
> Rather than branching for each task/ticket, we create a new working copy
> of a particular portion of the repository for each ticket. Sometimes
> that WC is committed/updated multiple times (for big tasks, our managers
> prefer commiting often, rather than just once when the ticket is
> finished), and I was wondering if there's a way to, in a particular
> working copy, automatically diff between HEAD and when that WC was first
> created.
> But as long as people put the ticket # at the beginning of their log
> message, it's not that big a deal.
Hmm. Doesn't provide any isolation from what other developers are doing.
Though it does isolate multiple different changes being worked on by the
same developer simultaneously.
Once a WC has had all local mods committed or reverted, and all extra and
ignored files erased, and been updated, it's exactly equivalent to a fresh
checkout, and there is no need to discard it and pull down all that data
from the server again.
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Received on Tue Aug 3 16:43:43 2004