> Is it possible for one user to commit from a working view owned by
> someone else?
This is the same problem I reported,
entitled something like "Wiki problems
with pair programming". I.e. my motivation
is different, but the cause
- wiki tools having problems when
different users perform write-like
operations in the same view
- is the same.
Supposedly fixed in a recent release
- 1.0.2? I was about to say that I am
not running that release, but I am
- my susadmins must have updated.
... Anyway, just tried - better,
but I am still getting similar problems
(which I will report to the group
in a bit when I can develop a smaller
problem report).
> Is this working view permanently corrupted?
Probably not. I have to fix this problem
two or three times a day.
I usually do it by finding the appropriate
files under .svn - which are usually owned by User2
- and doing the following as User1:
mv .svn/FILE .svn/FILE.ownership-problems
cp .svn/FILE.ownership-problems .svn/FILE
and, later
rm .svn/FILE.ownership-problems
So far something like the above,
and maybe a few svn cleans,
has been sufficient to fix up a broken
working view.
Also: nearly always Subversion has updated
the working view; it is nearly always just the
.svn files that are broken.
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Received on Sun Apr 25 23:06:02 2004