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Re: Commits that aren't?

From: Tom Brunet <tomab_at_cs.wisc.edu>
Date: 2004-04-15 20:52:17 CEST

> We've heard the *opposite* before: where the client says the commit
> failed, when in fact it didn't. But this is completely new.
> Can you show us a transcript of the bug happening to you? Or give us a
> hint on how to reproduce the behavior?

Here's a capture of my commands and various things to show I'm not loony
:) It may very well be something particular to how the university
firewall works, but I would still expect to see a failure message if the
end database doesn't update. Anyway...

Here's the server end where everything works fine:
tux40(64)% mkdir bugrepos
tux40(65)% svnadmin create bugrepos/
tux40(66)% mkdir bugwc
tux40(67)% cd bugwc
tux40(68)% svn co file:///u/t/o/tomab/private/subversion/repos/bugrepos ./
Checked out revision 0.
tux40(69)% ls -al
total 6
drwxr-x--- 3 tomab tomab 2048 Apr 15 13:38 ./
drwxrwxrwx 8 tomab tomab 2048 Apr 15 13:38 ../
drwxr-x--- 7 tomab tomab 2048 Apr 15 13:38 .svn/
tux40(70)% echo File to be committed 1 > test1.txt
tux40(71)% svn add test1.txt
A test1.txt
tux40(72)% svn commit -m "This commit works" test1.txt
Adding test1.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1.
tux40(73)% cd ..
tux40(74)% rm -rf bugwc/
tux40(75)% mkdir bugwc
tux40(76)% cd bugwc
tux40(77)% svn co file:///u/t/o/tomab/private/subversion/repos/bugrepos ./
A test1.txt
Checked out revision 1.
tux40(78)% ls

Here's what it looks like from the win2k client (Same happens at home on
C:\users\tomab>mkdir bugwc
C:\users\tomab>cd bugwc
C:\users\tomab\bugwc>svn co
ubversion/repos/bugrepos ./
A test1.txt
Checked out revision 1.

  Volume in drive C has no label.
  Volume Serial Number is 1CF3-1028

  Directory of C:\users\tomab\bugwc

04/15/2004 01:42p <DIR> .
04/15/2004 01:42p <DIR> ..
04/15/2004 01:42p 23 test1.txt
                1 File(s) 23 bytes
                2 Dir(s) 23,142,804,480 bytes free

C:\users\tomab\bugwc>echo This commit actually fails >test2.txt
  Volume in drive C has no label.
  Volume Serial Number is 1CF3-1028

  Directory of C:\users\tomab\bugwc

04/15/2004 01:42p <DIR> .
04/15/2004 01:42p <DIR> ..
04/15/2004 01:42p 23 test1.txt
04/15/2004 01:42p 29 test2.txt
                2 File(s) 52 bytes
                2 Dir(s) 23,142,804,480 bytes free

C:\users\tomab\bugwc>svn add test2.txt
A test2.txt
C:\users\tomab\bugwc>svn commit -m "rev2" test2.txt
Adding test2.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2.
C:\users\tomab\bugwc>svn update
svn: Reference to non-existent revision '2' in filesystem
C:\users\tomab\bugwc>cd ..
C:\users\tomab>del /s bugwc
C:\users\tomab>mkdir bugwc
C:\users\tomab>cd bugwc
C:\users\tomab\bugwc>svn co
ubversion/repos/bugrepos ./
A test1.txt
Checked out revision 1.

Hope that helps any...

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Received on Thu Apr 15 21:08:16 2004

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