RE: Multiple Repositiories, SVNParentPath, and Apache AutoIndex
From: Stephen Duncan <>
Date: 2004-04-02 16:27:09 CEST
Thanks for the ideas. I think from here I can come to an acceptable solution. I hadn't noticed yet that I couldn't use a single SVNParentPath for that setup. I guess I'll either need to determine my structure entirely ahead of time, or go to a more shallow structure with less organization.
Now on to figuring out a good authentication method for a Windows 2000 domain...
On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 11:11:47 +0200
> Suppose you access your p, q and r repositories through /repo:
Well, obviously in this case you'll need to have:
<Location /repo1>
and you would need also a /repo2:
<Location /repo2>
And the Redirects would be
Other than that, what I wrote works. And, in any case, with the
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