Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Raymond wrote:
> in the first place, any decent repository should *not* force you to go
> through the above contortions. any decent repository should not force
> you to go through *any* contortions -- you should simply have to point at
> it and say "go", and it should go. the fact that you have to tap dance
> to get it to work properly means it's broken. but that's not all.
> it also violates the cardinal rule that it does not play well with FC1 in
> the first place. if you look there, you'll notice that there are RPMs
> based on the apache runtime libs (apr), version 0.9.5.
> there *is* no version 0.9.5 -- not from FC1's perspective, not from
> apache's perspective.
> if you go to the fedora rawhide repo, the latest supported apr rpms are
> only 0.9.4, so to supply allegedly FC1-compatible 0.9.5 rpms is
> meaningless. even lists 0.9.4 as the latest versions,
> so it's not clear where these 0.9.5 versions came from, but they're quite
> simply junk. by installing them, you are technically breaking your FC1
> system.
On the other hand, from the subversion INSTALL file:
1. Apache Portable Runtime 0.9.5 (
Whenever you want to build any part of Subversion, you need the
Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and the APR Utility (APRUTIL)
libraries. At the time of this writing, there were no official
release versions of APR/APRUTIL available, but Subversion tries
to stay compatible with the versions bundled within the latest
httpd-2.0 release.
Therefore, the easiest way to get apr/apr-util is to download
the latest release of the httpd source, and use the apr/apr-util
trees contained within.
Subversion depends on an APR version which is not currently released by
APR. When stable svn releases have dependancies on cutting edge
releases of httpd/apr it's not going to be possible to build rpms for an
OS released 6 months ago without upgarding core components.
I have used the summersoft rpms on platforms from RH7.3 through FC1 for
some time. I have been very happy with their stability and support for
so many RH releases. I also look forward to the (soon to arrive) day
when a stable version of svn will be included in Linux distributions.
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Received on Tue Mar 23 12:27:19 2004