I'm doing an svn (version 1.0.0, built with fink) commit into a local
repository on Mac OS X 10.3.2, and it's dying every time.
I've got a lot of changes to commit. From the commit message:
M SimpleSynth.xcode/pete.pbxuser
M SimpleSynth.xcode/project.pbxproj
M Controller Classes/InstrumentTableDataSource.h
D Controller Classes/GroupTableDataSource.h
M Controller Classes/InstrumentTableDataSource.m
AM Controller Classes/CategoryTableDataSource.h
M Controller Classes/SimpleSynthController.h
D Controller Classes/GroupTableDataSource.m
AM Controller Classes/CategoryTableDataSource.m
M Controller Classes/SimpleSynthController.m
D Model Classes/InstrumentGroup.m
AM Model Classes/InstrumentCategory.m
M Model Classes/Instrument.m
AM Model Classes/InstrumentCatalogue.h
AM Model Classes/InstrumentCatalogue.m
D Model Classes/InstrumentGroup.h
AM Model Classes/InstrumentCategory.h
M Model Classes/Instrument.h
M English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/info.nib
M English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/keyedobjects.nib
M English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/classes.nib
but when I actually go to commit them, I get:
Adding Controller Classes/CategoryTableDataSource.h
zsh: abort svn commit
I'm left with a working copy that needs an svn cleanup and a repository
that needs an svnadmin recover.
If I try committing within the Model Classes directory, it aborts when
adding InstrumentCatalogue.h, so it looks like it's adding files that's
killing it.
I've also tried creating another working copy, copying the changed
files across and doing a commit, and it fails in the same way, so it
looks like a repository problem rather a working copy problem.
Any hints on how to go about tracing this problem? The troubleshooting
chapter of the book doesn't suggest anything that seems useful in this
set of circumstances.
The other minor bit of strangeness, which could be related: those "AM"
lines in the commit message are just listed as "A" by svn status. Does
it mean anything, or is it just a little UI inconsistency?
Pete Yandell
Received on Thu Mar 11 08:05:51 2004