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Perl script for intelligent merge

From: <Horst.Schuenemann_at_t-online.de>
Date: 2004-03-04 11:55:58 CET

in my last mail, i described an algorithm to perform an intelligent
merge. As i learned now,
the ideas are not new and already mentioned in subversion's docs. To
test the algorithm,
i wrote my first perl script (please excuse bad style; i just started).
It's more an experiment
than a full featured tool and only works on complete repository trees.
Hope it gives some inspiration
to you or even helps to solve simple tasks. It uses an entry in the log
to remember merges.


# Determines the steps to merge two repository parts in a way, that
already merged diffs
# are not merged again.
# task: repository contains trunk and branch; merge all changes from
trunk into branch.
# todo: cd workdir; switch to branch; commit last changes; update from
# call script: perl imerge.pl URL/trunk URL/branch .
# Author: Horst Schuenemann
# Date: 03/03/2004
# Email: horst.schuenemann@t-online.de
# tested with this sample:
# trunk
# -------->[1]------>[2]----------->[4]---------->[8]---+---->[9]
# create add | bugfix | bugfix ^
# repo commit | commit | commit | merge
# | | |
# | | |
# | | |
# branch | merge | |
# branch v v |
# [3]------->[5]--+---->[6]-------->[7]
# cr 1 cr 2
# commit commit
# - The process for a very simple project starts with creating the
# repository (release [1]).
# - Files are added (release [2]).
# - A branch is created to implement some change requests (release [3]).
# - A bugfix is implemented in the trunk (release [4]).
# - The first change request is implemented (release [5]).
# - The bugfix in the trunk is necessary for the cr branch too. [4] is
# imerged with [5] (release [6]).
# - The second change request is implemented (release [7]).
# - A second bugfix is added to the trunk (release [8]).
# - The work on the cr branch is finished and the results [7] are
# imerged with [8] (release [9]).
use strict;

my $IMergeLog = "++imerge++";

# --- Get parameters from cmd line
# --- URL1 is the repository part, from which the deltas will be
# --- URL2 is the repository part, where the deltas of URL1 are merge
# --- WCPATH is the working directory containing the latest update of

my $URL1 = shift @ARGV;
my $URL2 = shift @ARGV;
my $WCPATH = shift @ARGV;

# --- Make sure we got all the arguments we wanted

if ( (not defined $URL1) or (not defined $URL2) or (not defined
    or ($URL1 eq '') or ($URL2 eq '') or ($WCPATH eq '')) {
   print "Usage: imerge.pl URL1 URL2 WCPATH\n\n";

# --- Switch to URL2 and update the working copy

print "Updating $WCPATH from $URL2\n\n";
system("svn switch -q $URL2");
system("svn update -q $WCPATH");

# --- Collect lines of ULR1 and URL 2 log

my @LogLines1 = getLogLines($URL1, 0);
my @LogLines2 = getLogLines($URL2, 0);

# --- Filter release numbers and deltas from logs
# --- sample: URL1 [7 6 2:4 5 3 2 1], URL2 [8 4 2 1]

my @ReleasesAndDeltas1 = getReleasesAndDeltas(@LogLines1);
my @ReleasesAndDeltas2 = getReleasesAndDeltas(@LogLines2);

# --- build a list of deltas from the log releases
# --- sample URL1 [0:1 1:2 2:3 3:5 2:4 6:7], URL2 [0:1 1:2 2:4 4:8]

my @Deltas1 = getDeltas(@ReleasesAndDeltas1);
my @Deltas2 = getDeltas(@ReleasesAndDeltas2);

# --- Determine deltas in URL1 that are new to URL2
# --- sample @ToMerge [2:3 3:5 6:7]

my @ToMerge;
my $Element;

foreach $Element (@Deltas1)
  if(not elementInList($Element, @Deltas2)) {
    push(@ToMerge, $Element);

# --- correct the deltas in @ToMerge to contain only releases, that are
in the
# --- stop-on-copy log.

my @LogLines1StOC = getLogLines($URL1, 1);
my @Releases1StOC = getReleasesStopOnCopy(@LogLines1StOC);

@Releases1StOC = reverse(@Releases1StOC);

my @CorrectedToMerge;

foreach $Element (@ToMerge)
  my @Tokens = split(/:/, $Element);
  my $From = $Tokens[0];
  my $To = $Tokens[1];

  if(elementInList($From, @Releases1StOC) and elementInList($To,
@Releases1StOC)) {
    push(@CorrectedToMerge, $Element);

# --- merge succeeding deltas to bigger deltas
# --- sample @ToMergePacked [2:5 6:7]

my @ToMergePacked = packDeltas(@CorrectedToMerge);

my $Delta;

# --- Print wha's todo
print "todo:\n\n";

if(@ToMergePacked > 0)
  foreach $Delta (@ToMergePacked)
    print "svn merge -r $Delta $URL1 $WCPATH\n\n";
    print "# resolve conflicts before you continue; don't commit now\n";
    print "# if conflicts were resolved: svn resolved $WCPATH\n\n";

  print "svn commit -m \"$IMergeLog @ToMerge\" $WCPATH\n";
  print "svn update $WCPATH\n";
else {
  print "nothing\n";

# --- Subroutines start here

# --- Get the lines of "svn log URL" as an array

sub getLogLines()
  my ($Repository, $StopOnCopy) = @_;

  my $Command;

  if($StopOnCopy) {
    $Command = "svn log --stop-on-copy $Repository";
  } else {
    $Command = "svn log $Repository";

  open(FILE, "$Command|") || die "$Command failed";
  my @LogLines = <FILE>;




# --- Create a list of all releases of a product line from HEAD to
# --- Input is an array with the log lines. The result array contains
# --- releases and the deltas from additional imerges.

sub getReleasesAndDeltas()
  my (@LogLines) = @_;

  my @Releases;

  for(my $Index = 0; $Index < @LogLines; $Index++)
    my $Line = $LogLines[$Index];
    my @Tokens = split(/ /, $Line);
    my $FirstToken = $Tokens[0];

    if($FirstToken =~ /r[0-9]+/)
          # --- found start of release entry
      push(@Releases, substr($FirstToken, 1));
          # --- look for imerge log entries
          for($Index++; $Index < @LogLines; $Index++)
            $Line = $LogLines[$Index];

        @Tokens = split(/ /, $Line);

                if($Tokens[0] eq $IMergeLog)
                   # --- found imerge entry; continue looping till end of entry
           for(my $DeltaIndex = 1; $DeltaIndex <= $#Tokens;
                   my $Token = $Tokens[$DeltaIndex];

                 if($Token =~ /[0-9]+:[0-9]+/) {
                   push(@Releases, $Token);

                if($Line =~ /[-]+/)
                   # --- reached end of entry


# --- Create a list of all releases of a product line from HEAD to begin
# --- branch. Input is an array with the log lines.

sub getReleasesStopOnCopy()
  my (@LogLines) = @_;

  my @Releases;

  for(my $Index = 0; $Index < @LogLines; $Index++)
    my $Line = $LogLines[$Index];
    my @Tokens = split(/ /, $Line);
    my $FirstToken = $Tokens[0];

    if($FirstToken =~ /r[0-9]+/)
          # --- found start of release entry
      push(@Releases, substr($FirstToken, 1));
          # --- look for imerge log entries
          for($Index++; $Index < @LogLines; $Index++)
            $Line = $LogLines[$Index];

                if($Line =~ /[-]+/)
                   # --- reached end of entry


# --- Create a list of deltas from a list of releases and deltas of a
# --- line. The list of releases goes from HEAD to START. The list of
deltas goes
# --- from START to HEAD.

sub getDeltas()
  my (@Releases) = @_;

  push(@Releases, "0");

  my @Deltas;

  if(@Releases eq 1)
    my $Element = $Releases[0];

    if($Element =~ /[0-9]+:[0-9]+/)
          # --- its a delta
      push(@Deltas, $Element);
    my @Pair;
    my $PairIndex = 0;

    for(my $Index = @Releases - 1; $Index >= 0; $Index--)
          my $Current = $Releases[$Index];

      if($Current =~ /[0-9]+:[0-9]+/)
            # --- its already a delta
        push(@Deltas, $Current);
            $PairIndex = 0;

      $Pair[$PairIndex] = $Current;

          if($PairIndex eq 2)
            my $Delta = $Pair[0] . ":" . $Pair[1];
            push(@Deltas, $Delta);

                $Pair[0] = $Pair[1];
            $PairIndex = 1;


# Look for an element in a list. Return 1 if found; otherwise 0.

sub elementInList()
  my ($Element, @List) = @_;

  my $Elem;

  foreach $Elem (@List)
    if($Elem eq $Element) {


# Create a list of packed deltas from a list of unpacked deltas.
# sample [0:2 2:4] becomes [0:4].

sub packDeltas()
  my (@Unpacked) = @_;
  my @Packed;

  if(@Unpacked > 1)
    my $CurDelta = $Unpacked[0];
    my @CurReleases = split(/:/, $CurDelta);
        my $CurFrom = $CurReleases[0];
        my $CurTo = $CurReleases[1];

    for(my $Index = 1; $Index < @Unpacked; $Index++)
      my @NextReleases = split(/:/, $Unpacked[$Index]);
            my $NextFrom = $NextReleases[0];
          my $NextTo = $NextReleases[1];

          if($CurTo eq $NextFrom) {
        $CurTo = $NextTo;
             $CurDelta = $CurFrom . ":" . $CurTo;
                 push(@Packed, $CurDelta);

             $CurFrom = $NextFrom;
             $CurTo = $NextTo;

    $CurDelta = $CurFrom . ":" . $CurTo;
        push(@Packed, $CurDelta);
  else {
    @Packed = @Unpacked;


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Received on Thu Mar 4 11:55:44 2004

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