Sometimes it's hard to find out -when- a certain modification was
made to a file just by looking at the logfiles.
for example you may want to know when a certain function
was introduced. in this case you could 'grep' through revisions and
find the first occourence (or backwards, the 'first disappearing').
So, I'd like to see some sort of "grep" command which also works
among revisions or on diffs (server side).
ofcourse one could do the grep at client-side by updating or diff-ing
revision by revision -- but this would be very slow on large
repositories when using a slow internet connection.
the most flexible thing possibly could be to allow kind of
server-side-checkouts or server-side-diffs that allow custom scripts
run over the output and send the script output back to the client.
(or does this feature already exist and i missed that?)
ofcourse one always could implement such a feature using a
separate server shell login where he can svn checkout or svn diff
and then grep.
but i guess it will be much more effective to perform a search
with full knowledge on the revision changes and revision diffs
from 'inside' svn.
Received on Sun Feb 29 15:21:32 2004