Someone can always change thier path though. You might want to rename
'/usr/bin/svn' to something like '/usr/bin/svn.bin', then make your
script call that, just to hide it a little more.
Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
>The default umask on our fileserver (where the repository is being
>stored) is 077, which means that any file that gets created defaults to
>unreadable and unwritable to anyone other than the person who created
>We use the 'devel' group to grant access to the repository, and so the
>reposutory itself is group-owned by devel and all the directories have
>the set-group-id bit set, so that any new files also get created with
>the devel group -- but this doesn't force read/write to the devel group.
>So, to make sure everyone's umask allows the rest of the group to read
>and write to the subversion database after they've made a commit, I use
>the following scripts in /usr/local/bin on the fileserver, which just
>happens to be in the PATH before /usr/bin.
>-- snip /usr/local/bin/svn --
>umask 002
>exec /usr/bin/svn "$@"
>-- snip --
>-- snip /usr/local/bin/svnserve --
>umask 007
>exec /usr/bin/svnserve "$@"
>-- snip --
Brian Mathis
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Received on Tue Dec 30 02:48:06 2003