Thanks for the reply. My the requirement was that the
people on the third floor would not have to be taught
new software whilst maintaining one single active
version of their documents! I was hoping I would not
have to install any client software because that means
the people on the third floor need to be persuaded to
use it and shown how to use it, reminded to use it and
how to use it and helped while they are using it..
What I'd read on microsofts and subversion site
yesterday gave me the impression its MS office was
webDAV enabled and there would be some sort of innate
version control (at least implementing a locking model
were only one person can check the document out). I
had read on the webDAV site in the FAQ's that DAV
could replace CVS in the future, but at the moment it
only employs the locking model.
I will install tortoise and see how complicated it is.
--- wrote: >
> >Thanks. But if it can't the shard network file
> system
> >can't be written to then it must be a big issue
> with
> >subversion. Do you know if I can achieve a file
> >repository on a shared network drive accessible by
> >windows and linux users using CVS?
> >
> >I'll take a look at tortoise.
> What Ben is saying is that the repo, shared out
> under the DAV
> protocol, and accessed by a normal, non-svn DAV
> client, such as
> a Windows or Mac system, using "Web Folders",
> results in a read-only
> file system. This should not be interpreted to mean
> that Windows
> systems can not be used as svn clients. Quite to
> the contrary, there
> are many people using Windows and Macs for
> development with
> Subversion as the back-end revision control system.
> This "Web Folder" feature is a side effect of using
> http as the
> network transport for Subversion. However,
> Subversion needed to
> extend this some in order to attain the
> functionality of a rev
> control system since DAV doesn't provide everything.
> So, if you only want to *browse* the repo, you can
> do that without
> any special software (great for those management
> types who wish to
> feel like they can look at things and later
> "contribute" their wise
> insights, but not actually change anything :)
> Therefore, you can safely avoid installing software
> on people's
> systems who don't really need it, and only worry
> about those who need
> access to the repository.
> I hope that helps clear things up a little.
> --
> Seeya,
> Paul
> GPG Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853 E808
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> If you're not having fun, you're not doing it
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Received on Tue Sep 30 15:20:05 2003