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RE: subversion bug tracker: can't add extra information?

From: Sander Striker <striker_at_apache.org>
Date: 2003-09-15 10:54:03 CEST

> From: Anthony Baxter [mailto:anthony@interlink.com.au]
> Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 10:45 AM

> >>> Ben Collins-Sussman wrote
> > The answer is: wait for Sourcecast to start using Scarab. (Issuezilla
> > is a busted thing.) Tigris.org will be upgraded soon to new hardware
> > and Sourcecast software, maybe sometime after that we can start using
> > Scarab (when it's production-ready.)
> Why not use one of the many existing bug trackers that are already there?

Because they aren't integrated with SourceCast?

> Roundup is available, works, and is easy to customise: http://roundup.sf.net/
> (disclaimer: I'm a roundup developer)

And there is BugZilla, Scarab, Jira, ...

Anyway, Subversion (the project) is a user of the infrastructure. Not the
maintainer. So far, tigris has done its job. We've all cursed about the
slowness of it at times, the mailarchives and maybe other things. But it
is not worth the effort to go implement and maintain our own support


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Received on Mon Sep 15 10:54:58 2003

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