Sander Stoks wrote:
> Hello all,
> I upgraded my subversion repository from 0.15.0 to 0.29.0 because I
> wanted to start using Web::svn.
> Grabbed the tar.gz and got a compile error in that an Apache header
> file couldn't be found. I was using 2.0.43 so I upgraded to 2.0.47. I
> verified that I could still view the repository with my browser, and
> continued upgrading subversion.
> I did a dump-and-load cycle as per the FAQ instructions, restarted
> apache, but now I can't talk to the repository anymore.
> If I try, I get an error such as
> ~/my/local/dir$ svn log
> sanders's password:
> subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:81: (apr_err=175002, src_err=0)
> svn: RA layer request failed
> svn: PROPFIND of /: 405 Method Not Allowed
> is my Linux server. I'm doing my work on a BeOS machine which
> still has the svn 0.15 tools on it - can it be that it's a version
> mismatch? I'm wary to upgrade on the BeOS side too because I can also
> no longer see the repository by surfing to,
> like I used to.
> Any ideas as to what's wrong here?
First off, the version mismatch WILL be a problem. It may not be THE
problem you're having now, but it definately will be going forward,
there are numerous incompatabilities between those two versions of
Second, you're going to have to give a lot more details about your
mod_dav_svn configuration. What do you have in httpd.conf? Also, can
you access the repository directly via ra_local?
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Received on Sun Sep 14 19:57:03 2003