Paul Lussier <> writes:
> I am pleased to announce that another interim release of Subversion is
> now available. You can grab release 0.28.2 at the following
> location:
Thanks, Paul!
Your News item for this release still contained the big warning block
from the original 0.28.0 release (included below). Unfortunately,
that block just talked about "this release", never giving its name, so
it made it sound as though 0.28.2 included an incompatible schema
change relative to 0.28.1, which is of course not true.
I've edited it to read like this:
## ##
## Release 0.28.0 made an incompatible change to the Subversion ##
## repository filesystem schema. Repositories created with ##
## Subversion code prior to 0.28.0 will unable to operate with ##
## this new release. To maintain the ability to use said ##
## repositories, you must use a version 'svnadmin dump' prior to ##
## this change to dump your repository to a dumpfile, then use ##
## this new Subversion code to create, and load your dumpfile ##
## a new repository using 'svnadmin load'. And don't forget to ##
## copy over any custom configuration/hooks from the old to the ##
## new repository. ##
## ##
We should keep this in mind for such announcements in the future...
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Received on Tue Sep 2 18:45:09 2003