You need to set the svn:eol property on the .dsp / .dsw etc. files so that
they are always forced to CRLF format.
On a side note, I think it's really bad to do samba exports of files with
unix format to windows machines. Why not use a win32 svn client and
checkout the code there? (Note that if you do that, the eol issues can get
even more annoying .. so maybe you're right after all)
On Mon, 01 Sep 2003 11:49:44 +0200
Jan Evert van Grootheest <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just read the svn book on EOL settings. Here's a problem I can't
> seem to figure out how to solve...
> We develop for Linux, so we also use svn on Linux.
> Some people simply prefer MS Visual Studio to develop, so we use Samba
> to export from Linux to the (NT) desktop where Studio is available.
> Here's the problem: since svn is used on Linux, it uses just LFs for
> EOL. For C(pp) and include files, this is fine and studio works well
> with it. However, for the studio project and workspace files this is not
> fine. Studio cannot read its own project and workspace files that were
> extracted from svn (on Linux). Once these files are converted to CRLF
> EOL, studio accepts them again.
> Any suggestions on how to deal with this, other than extracting these
> files on windows?
> Thanks,
> Jan Evert
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