On 18.09.2017 21:04, John Bellomy wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using tortoisesvn version 1.9.7 (r1800392) to pull down a local
> copy of llvm to work on. I've frequently run into checksum errors as
> I try to work out a way to mirror my svn folder in perforce, and I'd
> like to be able to verify after each step that I haven't introduced
> any new errors.
> Unfortunately, when I run svnadmin verify (which is also version
> 1.9.7 (r1800392) it complains about the format:
> svnadmin: E165005: Expected repository format '3' or '5'; found
> format '12'
> This is a very fresh checkout done with the exact same tortoisesvn
> install, so I'm not sure why it can't verify its own checked out
> files.
> Is my assumption that it's possible to verify checksums on a
> repository that I don't explicitly own incorrect? If so is there
> another way I can make sure that the next time I do 'svn update' I
> don't get an unexpected checksum mismatch?
$ svnadmin --version
and check if you really are using the correct version.
Sometimes there are other svn tools in your PATH env variable.
you can also type
$ where svnadmin
and get a list of full paths where the svnadmin command is located. The
first one in that list is the one that's used.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on 2017-09-18 22:04:18 CEST