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RE: Re: SVN Not Exporting Correctly

From: Qasim Mohammed <qasim.mohammed_at_i.tescobank.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 01:56:35 -0700 (PDT)

>So what files are missing?
>Remember that an export only exports *versioned* files.
>Unversioned/ignored files are not exported.

Hi Stefan, there doesn't seem to be any specific pattern to it or file type that doesn't carry over.
For example if I were exporting a project with subfolder's of the updates numbered 1 - 10, the first time can transfer all apart from, say, File 9. I'll then delete it from my local drive and try again, and the next time it may only miss File 3. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

>is it possible that what you want to do is creating a >complete copy of
>the repository?
>"svn export" only gives you the files and folders as >they exist(ed) at
>the specified revision.

Hi Lorenz, from what I gather we aren't trying to make a complete copy of the repository. Just for a bit of insight, what we're attempting to do is migrate projects from our old SVN to our new one, but keep the sizes small. So from how it was explained to me, I think that a complete copy would contain the full copy of all previous revisions, therby hogging space. So the way we are currently going about it, it exporting the projects to our local drive, deleting all but the last few updates and then the idea being committing it to our new SVN.

Apologies if my response hasn't shed more light on the issue. Like I say, bit of a novice. It might be something simple that we're missing because I've tried searching everywhere and no one seems to be experiencing this issue.

Thanks for everyone's help so far.



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Received on 2016-03-24 09:56:45 CET

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