New folders can be added to ignore-on-commit list by drag and drop
From: Thorsten Schroff <>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 06:04:24 -0700 (PDT)
I already searched the TortoiseSVN manual on that but did not find an explanation.
See first attached screenshot: Commit dialog.
There is an empty folder that should be newly added to the repo. It is on the no-changelist list but I do not want to commit that change yet.
But when I right-click this folder, there is no menuitem available in the context menu to move it to the ignore-on-commit list. But as the ignore-on-commit list is already visible (with one file on it) there is a target I can drag and drop the folder to, and so I do and the folder item is moved to the ignore-on-commit list (see second attached screenshot). Fine, that's what I wanted.
But if I choose to commit now, the folder is committed/added anyways. I would not have expected that. If I pressed F5 before committing, the folder would have been immediately relocated to the no-changelist section - I observed that later...
I would classify this as kind of an inconsistent GUI behaviour.
Additional question: Is there any reason to prevent newly added folders from being added to the ignore-on-commit list (by hiding the menuitem) while the menuitem is available for newly added files?
P.S. Thank you very much for TortoiseSVN!
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