Keeping the Original File at the same State as the Repository
From: Jus Age <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:22:42 -0700 (PDT)
Hey everyone,
I'm sure this is kind of a stupid question. I couldn't find anything helpfull except for Local Versioning Systems, which all seem either Command Line based or already outdated.
The problem is, we want to Version some of Config Files of a tool that runs on a Server.
But the problem is that the Software that needs these Config files can only work with them if they are in their Directories, I can't set it up so that it takes them with a file:///, https:// or svn: Link.
I was hoping that the actual File would also be updated when I do a commit, but it seems that Subversion is designed to only keep the Repository in the newest state (which makes sense on the way it is ment to be used).
So is there any way for me to get what I want from TortoiseSVN?
Kind regards and thanks for your help,
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