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Icons showing up on non-SVN directories.

From: Harvey Stein (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX) <hjstein_at_bloomberg.net>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 19:20:35 -0000

I'm having a problem with the icon overlays. The question mark is showing up on certain directories that aren't in a repository.

I have a directory c:/Repos under which I have various subdirectories. Some are from checking out a directory tree from SVN and some are copied out from a git repository, and some are directories not under source control. When checking a specific historical version from one of the SVN trees, I inadvertently copied out a particular file to c:/Repos. This caused Tortoise to make a .svn file in c:/Repos, leading it to believe the entire directory is under SVN control. It then started putting question marks on all the directories that are not under source control.

Since then I deleted the c:/Repos/.svn and rebooted. for some reason, the icons still think c:/Repos is under SVN control, and I still get question marks on all the directories that are not under source control. So evidently Tortoise is caching some of this info somewhere on disk, and it's not getting cleared out.

Anyway to get the icons back in sync? How do I clear out the cached info? Do I need to uninstall and reinstall Tortoise, or is there a way just to clear the info?

Received on 2015-05-13 21:36:31 CEST

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