RE: Re: Merge failure recovery
From: Gavin Lambert <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 16:18:27 -0700 (PDT)
On 8/04/2015 06:33, Stefan Küng wrote:
I don't think that's the case. When I tried it the first revision I was merging had a mixture of tree conflicts (which I used "resolve later") and content conflicts (which I resolved during the merge). The merge aborted after the first revision. I then fixed up the remaining conflicts and re-ran the merge on the remaining revisions and they merged cleanly (one or two content conflicts resolved inline, but otherwise no issues).
So I don't think it needs a further modification on a conflicted file to abort, it just needs any unresolved conflicts.
> But: in most situations, the merge failed because either the revision
I've just explained a situation where that's not the case. I would think that this is more common than merging the wrong thing?
> If a merge fails for me, I usually revert the whole working copy before
That would just generate the same tree conflicts again, and would produce the same result if I said "resolve later" again. Unless you're just saying that I should be resolving the tree conflicts inline instead of using the "resolve later" button -- in which case, why does that option exist?
> > Perhaps the intended solution is simply to never click "Resolve
I was suggesting that TSVN re-open the merge window itself at the end of a failed merge (in a similar fashion to an out-of-date commit). That way you can guarantee that it is on the same path. The user can always cancel it if they intend to do something different (or you can ask them, like you do for update-and-commit-again).
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